This is an Atlantis original kit of the Metaluna Mutant from "This Island Earth" released in 1955, sculpted in 1/12 scale with a completely new mold. This time, it was released as an injection kit...
Originally released in 1957 by Revell with the brave words "Enter the age of space!", the Moon Ship is back thanks to Atlantis Models!
Designed by rocket engineer Erwin E. Angle, the manned module...
The Forgotten Prisoner was originally released by Aurora in 1966; Atlantis Models has reproduced it from the original molds, and it's packaged in the square style of box from its re-release in 1972!...
Atlantis Models brings us a 1/500 scale model kit of Glow in the Dark Godzilla! First appearing in 1954, Godzilla is hands-down the hero of the Toho monster movies! The year 2019 marks the 65th...
The legendary plastic model kit of the iconic King Kong is back! Made from the original molds, restored to its full original detail, and including bonus glow-in-the-dark parts, this classic kit is...